Learn more about SOULIS, our approach, and the testing that has gone into our products below.


Health & Safety is our top priority. SOULIS has been tested with a dosimeter and an external spectral imaging. No radiation was recorded outside the sterilization chamber. SOULIS unit is not like an x-ray machine, CT or MRI. The device utilizes a form of ultra-violet light radiation that is only effective in direct line of sight of the emitters within one meter.  No emitters are visible outside SOULIS sterilization chamber. SOULIS meets the guidelines and requirements under ASHRAE standard for an electronic device.

Escherichia Coli

In a time-series trial for bacteria species Escherichia Coli, evidence proves that SOULIS x1 disinfection system removed 95.8% of bacteria cells from the air within 5 minutes.

Escherichi coli

Penicillium Citrinum


In a time-series trial for Penicillium Citrinum, evidence suggests that  SOULIS x1 disinfection system removed 95.8% of mold spores from the air within 5 minutes.

Coliphage φX174

In a time-series trial for bacterial virus species Coliphage φX174, evidence suggests that SOULIS x1 disinfection system removed 97.2% of bacterial virus cells from the air within the 5 minutes.

Coliphage φX174​